Edition of scientific journals in the university environment


  • María Isabel Díaz Sabán Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




scientific journals, university edition, university editorial, scientific dissemination


The review of the emergence and development of scientific journals and their adoption by Latin American universities had relevance for understanding the editorial process carried out in the journals edited by Fahusac. This exploration laid the foundations for a subsequent analysis and updating of said process regulated by international entities and the faculty's own internal guidelines, with the aim of updating the process and generating instruments that facilitate editorial work, from the selection of materials until they are released after they are published. This literature review was carried out taking into account publications with a maximum of 10 years, articles on university scientific journals with emphasis on the Latin American field were selected. Articles that did not meet the inclusion criteria were excluded.

Author Biography

María Isabel Díaz Sabán, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Es guatemalteca licenciada en Medios de Comunicación e Informativos, por la Universidad Galileo de Guatemala, PEM en Comunicación y Lenguaje por la Universidad Internaciones y estudiante de maestría en Edición Editorial por la Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Díaz Sabán, M. I. . (2021). Edition of scientific journals in the university environment . Revista Guatemalteca De Cultura, 1(2), 44–51. https://doi.org/10.46954/revistaguatecultura.v1i2.14