Religious attitude and attitude towards homosexuality in clinical psychology students


  • Héctor Barrios Borrayo Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



attitude, religious, homosexuality, psychology


OBJECTIVE: determine the correlation between religious attitude and attitude towards homosexuality in clinical psychology students at a private University in 2021. METHOD: the research had a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental transactional design and descriptive scope. It worked with a non-probabilistic sample, composed of 127 people. They were mostly women (85.8%) and the age of the participants ranged between 18 and 50 years. (MD = 24; SD = 6.31). RESULTS: there is a moderate, statistically significant inverse correlation between religious attitude and attitude towards homosexuality. CONCLUSION: there is a negative attitude towards homosexuality with a greater religious attitude.

Author Biography

Héctor Barrios Borrayo, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Rafael Landívar University. Jungian-oriented psychotherapist, member of the C. G. Jung Center of Guatemala. Co-author in the study "Satisfaction with life in a contingent of forced returnees from the United States of America" ​​that was presented at the congress of the Ibero-American Federation of Psychology Associations, -FIAP-. Currently, he is studying a Master's Degree in Research, from the Faculty of Humanities at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Barrios Borrayo, H. . (2022). Religious attitude and attitude towards homosexuality in clinical psychology students . Revista Guatemalteca De Cultura, 2(2), 1–6.