Reflection on multiple intelligences in the digital age


  • Ana Leticia Suriano Maldonado Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • German Raul Caal Tiul Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Lindayk Gicelena Castellón Nufio Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Claudia Esmeralda Villela Cervantes Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



multiple intelligences, digital age, 21st century education


OBJECTIVE: to reflect on the multiple intelligences of the digital age. METHOD: it is descriptive, a bibliographic review of the subject was made. RESULTS: In the 21st century, educational processes require a holistic approach from a learning perspective. The digital age has surpassed the capacities of educational institutions. In this context, the educational process requires harmonizing the proposals of multiple intelligences and thus take advantage of the opportunities offered by ICT that allow the growth of people. CONCLUSION: according to the multiple intelligences in the learning processes, it is possible to generate new knowledge and diverse intelligences throughout life that serve to face the challenges presented by the 21st century.

Author Biographies

Ana Leticia Suriano Maldonado , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Researcher of the master's degree in university teaching with orientation in learning strategies of the Oriente University Center of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.

German Raul Caal Tiul, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Researcher of the master's degree in university teaching with orientation in learning strategies of the Oriente University Center of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.

Lindayk Gicelena Castellón Nufio, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Researcher of the master's degree in university teaching with orientation in learning strategies of the Oriente University Center of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.

Claudia Esmeralda Villela Cervantes, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She is a Doctor of Education and a professor at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Suriano Maldonado , A. L. ., Caal Tiul, G. R. ., Castellón Nufio, L. G. ., & Villela Cervantes, C. E. . (2021). Reflection on multiple intelligences in the digital age. Revista Guatemalteca De Cultura, 2(2), 40–49.