Information Literacy in the university library


  • Olga Beatriz Xicará García Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



libraries, literacy, technology


PROBLEM: information literacy is one of the main concerns of libraries and their professionals produced by the constant technological changes to communicate information. OBJECTIVE: to help users improve their information skills through an audiovisual tool. METHOD: it was carried out through the qualitative approach and action research as a method, applying techniques such as the semi-structured interview using a script, focus group as an instrument. Likewise, the theoretical review which included different scientific sources to support the proposal and achieve the expected changes through reflective and readjustable stages with the participation of all those involved. RESULTS: the implementation of a didactic tool that helps users improve their information skills through an audiovisual resource designed to facilitate the learning of basic elements that users need to communicate information. CONCLUSION: information literacy is a need caused by the advancement of technologies which led to a society that massively produces and consumes information electronically. However, given the lack of informational skills of users to identify information that comes from reliable sources, it is necessary for libraries to adopt strategies to support future professionals who graduate from the university and know how to function during their training and in the world. labor. The proposal allowed moving from theory to practice involving the main actors to achieve users with critical thinking.

Author Biography

Olga Beatriz Xicará García, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Es estudiante de la Maestría en Bibliotecología de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC), Licenciada en Bibliotecología, por la Escuela de Bibliotecología, Facultad de Humanidades, USAC. Técnica Universitaria en Archivos por la Escuela de Historia, USAC.


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How to Cite

Xicará García, O. B. (2023). Information Literacy in the university library . Revista Guatemalteca De Cultura, 3(1), 10–17.

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