¿Qué es la vida? y ¿A qué venimos?


  • Rocael Paiz Varela Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




life, existence, God, future and present


OBJECTIVE: to reflect on the initial questions of this topic, trying to establish ideas and discuss supposed conclusions given in the course of the history of philosophical work, trying to ensure that reason, discernment, analysis and reflection always prevail. METHOD: the methodology used is hermeneutics-descriptive, the thought, opinions and different criteria expressed for many years by different philosophers and thinkers of the modern, postmodern, contemporary and ancient times were discussed. RESULTS: it has been detected that the two initial questions of this topic are not the object of competences or didactic-pedagogical concern in the thematic contents of the related courses in the different careers or specialties in higher education, which we verified in the university classrooms at attempt to answer these questions. CONCLUSION: when trying to answer the question what is life? It could be considered that it is like a plant that cannot grow or develop on its own since it needs other elements to survive and show the fullness of its beauty. It is like the necessary and transcendental time to understand what is happening around us and understand the reason for all this.

Author Biography

Rocael Paiz Varela, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He is an educator, poet, writer and journalist, Br. Industrial and Expert in a specialty, PEM in Pedagogy and Educational Sciences, Bachelor of Pedagogy and Educational Sciences, Bachelor of Pedagogy and Educational Administration, Master of Philosophy. Graduated from the School of Postgraduate Studies of the USAC. Professor of the Faculty of Humanities.


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How to Cite

Paiz Varela, R. . (2022). ¿Qué es la vida? y ¿A qué venimos?. Revista Guatemalteca De Cultura, 2(1), 41–49. https://doi.org/10.46954/revistaguatecultura.v2i1.19