Problemas y desafíos de la investigación en educación superior: caso Universidad Modular Abierta


  • Darwin López Escobar Universidad de El Salvador



limitations, research, higher education


PROBLEM: currently, teachers have little participation in scientific research processes, subtracting a contribution to the knowledge society. OBJECTIVE: to identify the elements that intervene as limitations to scientific research by teachers of the Sonsonate Regional Open Modular University in El Salvador. METHOD: a mixed study of descriptive scope was carried out. An intentional sample of seventeen teachers attending the Bachelor's degree in Legal Sciences was taken, to whom an interview and a survey were applied. RESULTS: low motivation, lack of time and financial resources were identified as problems faced by professors. Of those surveyed, 6% indicated that they publish internationally in indexed journals, 12% participate by presenting their research papers at a local and national level, in the same way, 35% indicated that the university supports them to participate in national research events. CONCLUSION: the limitations faced by the teaching staff to develop research were evidenced, among others, the type of contracting, the undeveloped investigative skills, evidencing the need to create an institutional strategy that facilitates the conditions to carry out investigative processes as a result of their professional work.

Author Biography

Darwin López Escobar, Universidad de El Salvador

Cuenta con estudios de Licenciatura en Economía de la Universidad José Simeón Cañas UCA, graduado de Licenciatura en Ciencias Jurídicas de la Universidad de El Salvador, Abogado y Notario de la República de El Salvador, Maestría en Gestión y Desarrollo Local de la UIM homologada por las universidades Carlos III de Madrid y Universidad Menéndez Pelayo; con Maestría en Docencia Superior de la Universidad de El Salvador; y Doctorando en Educación Superior de la Universidad de El Salvador


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How to Cite

López Escobar, D. (2023). Problemas y desafíos de la investigación en educación superior: caso Universidad Modular Abierta. Revista Guatemalteca De Cultura, 3(2), 12–20.