Strengthening of communication through the implementation of a stylebook


  • Jessie Jonathan Alvarez Marroquin Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



style manual, editorial editing, written communication, action research, pedagogy


PROBLEM: there is a lack of rules for editing written materials created in an educational institution. OBJECTIVE: implement a style manual to optimize the internal and external written communication of the teaching and administrative staff of that institution. METHOD: a qualitative approach was used because the perception of people in the community was investigated regarding how they write and what are the appropriate ways to improve their writing in their context. RESULTS: it was verified that planning an editorial process requires the participation of different agents, such as authors, editors, proofreaders, designers, illustrators, diagrammers and printers. The design of the manual went through each phase proposed by Michael Bhaskar: filtering, framing and amplification according to a model. Because the editor is a mediator, his job is also in the community; In this case, the style manual was designed together with the community from action research, which allowed a resource that collaborated in solving the problems of editing the educational institution's materials. CONCLUSION: from the editorial edition, the style manual is the product that best solves the problem of written communication; however, the improvement also implies its socialization through pedagogical processes in the community. An editor can facilitate the process or, depending on their skills, contact a teacher who participates in this process from a better position.

Author Biography

Jessie Jonathan Alvarez Marroquin, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Actualmente estudia una maestría en Estudios Culturales en Flacso, Guatemala, y una maestría en Edición Editorial en la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC), donde es profesor en la Facultad de Humanidades y en la Escuela de Historia. Estudió un profesorado en enseñanza media en Lengua y Literatura, una licenciatura en Letras en la Universidad Del Valle de Guatemala.


Bhaskar, M. (2014). La máquina de contenido. Hacia una teoría de la edición desde la imprenta hasta la red digital. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Escudero Sánchez, C. L., & Cortez Suárez, L. A. (2018). Técnicas y métodos cualitativos para la investigación científica. Ecuador: Ediciones UTMACH.

Martín Vivaldi, G. (2000). Curso de redacción (Vigésimo tercera ed.). Madrid: Paraninfo.

Martínez de Souza, J. (2003). Manual de estilo de la lengua española. Gijón: Ediciones Trea.

Piccolini, P. (2019). De la idea al libro. Un manual para la gestión de proyectos editoriales. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.



How to Cite

Alvarez Marroquin, J. J. (2023). Strengthening of communication through the implementation of a stylebook. Revista Guatemalteca De Cultura, 3(2), 21–28.

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