Incorporation of Environmental Psychology as part of the USAC psychologist's training.


  • Ana Angélica Agreda Palma Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



environmental psychologist, disasters, psychologist, protocol, curriculum contents


OBJECTIVE: the overall goal was to analyze the incorporation of an Environmental Psychologist in the general psychologist profile, including ethical and professional standards. METHOD: during the research phase, combined methods were used to gather data.  During the quantitative phase, an open and closed ended question survey was administered to students in their ninth semester of the Environmental Psychology course as part of the Social Psychology focused curriculum.  During the qualitative stage, four interviews directed towards the Environmental and Natural Resources Ministry - MARN, the National Coordination for the Reduction of Natural Disasters – CONRED, the professors of the college of Environmental Psychology of Psychological Sciences of USAC (San Carlos University of Guatemala) and the School of Psychology of Guatemala were considered. The results of the investigation allow us to conclude that the College of Psychology. RESULTS: the students, as future professionals, consider that it is of the utmost importance to address environmental issues urgently, focusing on their reaction and service when facing a natural disaster.  A psychologist's contribution in this area is crucial to recovery, but they confirm that they do not currently have the tools they require to address a natural disaster crisis after the fact.  In the present, professional preparation does not exist for environmental issues.  CONCLUSION: the School of Psychology and other associated institutions must consider the execution of the specified protocol for psychologists facing natural disasters.  It establishes an instruction manual with specific guidelines on how to act and perform adequately when facing emergencies. Therefore, it is necessary to make a proposal of curricular contents of Environmental Psychology.

Author Biography

Ana Angélica Agreda Palma, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante de la Maestría en Docencia Universitaria de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Licenciada en Psicología de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Profesora en Educación Especial de Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Agreda Palma, A. A. (2023). Incorporation of Environmental Psychology as part of the USAC psychologist’s training. Revista Guatemalteca De Cultura, 3(2), 41–48.