Critical approach to school work in the confinement of covid-19, from the program “I learn at home”


  • Joaquín Armando López Pérez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



parents, distance education, transfer of responsibilities, academic training, I learn at home


PROBLEM: the participation of parents in the academic training of fifth grade students in distance education at the Firestone Village Rural Mixed Official School, Comitancillo, Saint Mark during the covid19 pandemic and the global confinement that paralyzed complete the country and the total closure of educational centers. OBJECTIVE: to describe how distance education was worked with fifth grade students. METHOD: the approach used was mixed, with descriptive and explanatory scope, and nested or embedded concurrent design of dominant model, the sample was intentional, non-probabilistic and consisted of 48 subjects. RESULTS: in reference to the stated objective, it was shown that parents contributed with their children to distance education and students worked with materials and resources through self-learning guides, worksheets and textbooks provided by the Ministry of Education. Education. The teacher made home visits, manifesting reciprocal support between those who make up the educational community, and the director scheduled deliveries and assignments of materials. CONCLUSION: the students worked with self-learning guides implemented by the Ministry of Education. The teacher made home visits and followed up on the emerging educational plans. The director implemented a set of activities and strategies aimed at the continuity of learning.

Author Biography

Joaquín Armando López Pérez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante de la Maestría en Curriculum en la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Licenciado en Educación por la Universidad Panamericana de Guatemala, trabaja en el Sector Público, Cooperativa y Sector Privado. Se ha dedicado a la Docencia desde hace 18 años desde el nivel primario, diversificado y Universitario.


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How to Cite

López Pérez, J. A. (2024). Critical approach to school work in the confinement of covid-19, from the program “I learn at home” . Revista Guatemalteca De Cultura, 4(2), 54–67.