The research-based Curriculum and its importance in pre-primary in the urban area of Sololá


  • Cristina Chipín Chiroy Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



research curriculum, curriculum design, curriculum transformation, evolutionary processes


PROBLEM: without a Research-Based Curriculum, the purpose of students being autonomous, critical and reflective regarding their learning is not achieved. In the pre-primary schools of Sololá District 07-01-01, teachers express the need to expand knowledge in a Research-Based Curriculum. OBJECTIVE: to describe the Research-Based Curriculum and its importance in pre-primary in the urban area of ​​Sololá. METHOD: the study was carried out under the quantitative approach, with a non-experimental - descriptive design, the non-probabilistic sample was 21 pre-primary teachers and 5 directors of the District 01-07-01. The instrument used was the survey from which RESULTS: are obtained, in effect the description and importance of the Research-Based Curriculum at the pre-primary level is visualized, one of its approaches is to accompany the educational processes, to reach a quality education. CONCLUSION: a pre-primary curriculum must stimulate evolutionary processes and must guarantee the preparation of adults who interact with children, in such a way that individual differences are respected and addressed and favor attention in the educational process.

Author Biography

Cristina Chipín Chiroy , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante de la carrera de Maestría en Currículum, graduada de Licenciada en Pedagogía y Administración Educativa, Profesora de Enseñanza Media en Ciencias Sociales y Formación Ciudadana, Maestra de Educación Infantil Bilingüe Intercultural, se ha desempeñado como Promotora del Proyecto Educativo “Juega Conmigo”. En su carrera a nivel de investigación desarrolló un estudio acerca de la importancia de un currículo basado en investigación en el nivel de preprimaria del Distrito 07-01-01 - Sololá.


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How to Cite

Chipín Chiroy , C. (2024). The research-based Curriculum and its importance in pre-primary in the urban area of Sololá . Revista Guatemalteca De Cultura, 4(1), 99–111.