Literature and historical contexts contribution to the development of critical thinkers


  • Ruth Patricia Carbonell Ramos Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



critical thinking, literature in English, historical context, analyze, evaluate


PROBLEM: lack of understanding about the relevance and importance of studying English literature and historical contexts in developing critical thinking skills. OBJECTIVE: to explore the ways in which the study of literature and historical contexts contributes to the development of critical thinking skills. METHOD: consisted of conducting a review of existing literature and case studies. It also involved observation and analysis of classroom activities and tasks that focus on English literature and historical contexts that can be carried out. With the descriptive method, the characteristic behaviors of English Literature classes were observed, from the work that is delivered to how the class is taught. RESULTS: the study showed that English literature and historical contexts can provide students with opportunities to think critically about complex topics, consider different perspectives, identify patterns, and recognize biases. Incorporating literature and historical contexts into classroom activities can help students develop these skills. CONCLUSION: the study of English literature and historical contexts is not only relevant but also essential for the development of critical thinking skills.

Author Biography

Ruth Patricia Carbonell Ramos , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Actualmente estudiante de Maestría en Educación Superior con énfasis en Andragogía en la Universidad de San Carlos en Guatemala. Egresada de la Universidad el Istmo de Guatemala con una licenciatura en Administración Educativa. Con quince años de experiencia trabajando como docente y actualmente labora en el Colegio Metropolitano como profesora de literatura en inglés de secundaria.


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How to Cite

Carbonell Ramos , R. P. (2024). Literature and historical contexts contribution to the development of critical thinkers . Revista Guatemalteca De Cultura, 4(2), 27–39.