Technological innovations in Libraries


  • Ana Ruth Díaz Vásquez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Regina Romero de la Vega Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Dina Marjorie Rodas Escobar Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Aura Marina Ramírez Cortez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Mariana de Jesús Cabrera Morales Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



digital library, library innovation, digital resources


This article highlights the importance of technological innovations, in the
activities of the libraries, innovations that were refurbished in the last year.
It is important to recognize that libraries, before the pandemic, were always
considered as places that store and conserve the bibliographic heritage
of humanity and that in some occasions, they used the new technologies
to provide some services to the user; currently this concept has evolved,
as libraries have become places that offer training and information for
free, becoming places dedicated to fulfill the curricular and informational
needs of the user, but also they offer technical-scientific training, with the
learning of informational media literacy, since the user is trained to access
the information, but also to be aware that everything he does and shares
in social networks is susceptible of being seen by many people, so he
must be responsible for what he reads, shares and likes.


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How to Cite

Díaz Vásquez, A. R., de la Vega, R. R., Rodas Escobar, D. M., Ramírez Cortez, A. M., & Cabrera Morales, M. de J. (2021). Technological innovations in Libraries. Revista Guatemalteca De Cultura, 1(1), 10–16.